
BIRS UBC Okanagan

UBC’s Okanagan campus is a site of the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS).

Several BIRS events are being hosted on the UBC campus in Kelowna, primarily in the summer months.

Information for Workshop Organizers

Workshops at UBC operate on the same 5-day schedule as in Banff with participants arriving on Sunday evening and departing at noon on Friday.

Many of the operating procedures for workshop organizers at UBC are the same as at Banff.

Potential Participants

Workshops are invitation-only events for the global scientific community. If you are interested in attending but have not yet been invited, please refer to the guidelines below.


Please email the BIRS Program Coordinator , who will then submit your request to the organizers of the workshop you are interested in attending.

Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

Please email the BIRS Program Coordinator with a brief letter of recommendation from your supervisor. We will then submit your request to the organizers of the workshop you are interested in attending. Note that invited participants can request a new invitation to a workshop. If you are unable to find your invitation, please visit

5-Day Workshops

  • Each workshop follows the 5-Day Workshop format favoured by BIRS .

  • Invited participants should plan to arrive on late Sunday afternoon or evening and depart Friday afternoon. Five nights on-campus accommodation and meal expenses are provided by BIRS-UBC-O.
  • A schedule template can be found here.

  • Schedule and other information for All Meetings at BIRS-UBC-O in 2024. Note: BIRS-UBC-O is in the Pacific Time Zone - same as Los Angeles, California.

Workshop Facilities

Main Meeting Room

ART 110 (Arts Building)

IT Support for Livestreaming and Recording

  • The main meeting room is equipped with a computer and webcam which has tracking capability.
  • An assistant will remain in the lecture room to oversee livestreaming and recording of all presentations.

Coffee Breaks

ART 112 (Arts Building)



Breakout Rooms


If you are not able to attend the workshop, BIRS-UBC-O staff will need to be informed at least 15 days prior to the start of your event, by sending a message to