Rocky Mountain Data Science Network

Require help with your statistical analyses?

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... for 2021 Biostatistics Internship placements

Biostatistics Interns

Our primary aim is to bring together researchers in the biomedical sciences who require data analytics, together with the best biostatistics graduate students to provide these skills.

Internship Requirments

The key requirements of an internship are to build skills and knowledge in the application of biostatistical methods. The project duration is typically about 4 months, but can vary from 1 to 8 months or possibly longer. Learning outcomes and deliverables do not necessarily need to be related to the student’s thesis or program of study. The project could be part of a larger project, but needs to be a well-defined component. The student, his/her supervisor (for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students only) and Associate Head - Graduate Program/ Graduate Program Director must all agree to the terms and conditions of an internship by completing and signing the approval form.

Applications need to specify:

  • Brief background information on project
  • Internship position and duties.
  • Timelines including deliverables & deadlines.
  • Relationship to thesis research or program of study: is this a research internship, skills internship, combination of both?
  • Learning outcomes including skills/knowledge development and specific project deliverables (list up to 5).
  • Conflicts of interest to declare: by supervisor (e.g., owner or co-owner of company), by student, other.
  • Start date, End date, Expected number of hours per week
Each internship is expected to include creation of project report, documentation of written code and analyses, presentations (e.g., lab meetings, summer student or institute research days, etc.), and possibly a draft manuscript for scientific publication. Authorship should be discussed in the application.

Examples of student tasks and deliverables

– data cleaning, evaluation of data quality control and management for efficiency and accuracy, design work for a survey or clinical trial, sample size and power calculations for a grant application, method development, method comparison, primary or secondary health data analyses, implementation of existing software programs and tools, written reports (audience), or consultation project that involves creating an analytical plan for a client.

Deadlines for Researchers to submit proposals and requests: February 15, 2021

Proposals will also be accepted on an on-going basis throughout the year. Students will then apply to RMDSTN for the project(s) they are interested on. RMDSTN leaders will match students with projects and send student details to each research for their final selection.

Minimum Costs per Intern Type

Program   Spring/Summer   Hours per Week
Thesis-based PhD   $6500   12 hrs/week
Thesis-based MSc   $6500   20 hrs/week
Course-based   $6500   35 hrs/week